Sunday, 13 May 2012

Still mining and crafting.

I haven't posted on this blog in a very long time, so this post is to say I'm still alive and playing Minecraft. I just updated the texture pack page on here, so if anyone reading this still hasn't tried out my cartoon texture pack now would be a great time to do so!

I haven't been on my server much recently, but hopefully that will change when my exams are over and the next Minecraft update is out :)

Here's a picture of one of my old houses I still haven't showed off here yet. Im hoping to build a new castle soon so that should be up here too sometime. That may not sound interesting but remember that my last castle (well, last that I put on the interwebs) is still number 3 for google searching "minecraft castle".


  1. What is the pack in that screenshot? Doesn't look bright enough to be yours :P

  2. It's Jungle ruins.. which is now being updated "officially", but has default textures over my unofficial updates I posted which is frustrating because I can't recommend it without the nice textures I did.

  3. can u make a tut for that house plz

    1. It's not a particularly large or complex house, so you can probably figure out most of it from that picture. If you have any questions about specific bits I'd be happy to answer them :)
