Current status: Fully Minecraft 1.5 compatible. Many new 1.5 textures still vanilla.
The main points, or "themes" of this pack are:
- Bright, vibrant, warm textures.
- A similarity to the default texture pack.
- Non-realistic, cartoon-like atmosphere.
- Easy to differentiate tools and other items.
- Cute pumpkins and friendlies, but monsters still scary.
Most of the textures in this pack were made by me. However, some are taken straight from other packs (a few from the default, not many from other people), some combine two textures (for example xaiwakers ores with Frenden's edited smoothstone), some are based on other textures but made by me (for example the hardcore health meter). Very very big thanks to everyone whos textures I have used. Full credits are near the bottom, and permission statements are in the download.
You need the
Optifine for the custom water, it's not animated, but it's a nice colour.
Please do not re-distribute any of my texture pack. If you wish to use something in it for your own pack that you will distribute publicly (i.e post on forums), then ask me, and I might allow you to. Private modifications are of course allowed.