Server is down indefinitely :( Well maybe one day.. we'll see!
The server IP address is:
- This is for both minecraft and mumble.
- The server is being hosted by the wonderful: AllGamer. They are slightly more expensive than other companies, but offer good quality servers and great support, especially for Minecraft.
- The server has 1.5GB of RAM, 3 vCPU cores, and a great internet connection.
- There are 10 slots on the server and about 8 regular players.
- Everyone plays in pure Survival mode - no spawning, flying etc.
- There is a map-change every large Minecraft update or 2.
- No griefing, stealing, or stupid (1x1 towers) buildings are allowed.
- If your interested in joining, and you have a mic, send an email to
- If you tried to apply before 14/9/11 and didn't recieve a reply, try again!